5th Annual Research Network Workshop – Particle mixtures and advanced materials: from production and generation to environmental risk assessment
The 5th yearly workshop of the SweNanoSafe research network was organised on the 25th of November 2022 and online. This workshop intended to inform on the newest scientific trends in nanosafety as well as to look forward on coming challenges.
A summary of the workshop is available here. The slides from the presentations will be available shortly!
This year, the theme is “Particle mixtures and advanced materials: from production and generation to environmental risk assessment”. We will focus on 4 themes where we invite keynote speakers giving overview presentations that focus on the key questions below.
1. Production and generation: what sort of products can we expect in the future? What are “advanced materials”?
2. Measurement: Is it currently all possible to detect these materials, particularly in an environmental monitoring context? What are the knowledge gaps?
3. Exposure: What sort of changes do we need to environmental exposure models to predict their fate accurately? What are the knowledge gaps?
4. Environmental hazard: What needs to be done differently relatively to “conventional” nanomaterials in terms of hazard assessments?
These presentations are then each followed by 4 parallel break-out groups where we will explore the issues raised by the keynote lectures in more detail during interactive discussions and align these with the needs of decision makers, industry, academia. Please indicate the issues you are interested in most as we can let the keynote lectures know that they need to focus on these.
10.00 Welcome and introduction – Geert Cornelis, SLU, Bengt Fadeel, KI
10.10 – 10.50 Theme I: Production and generation
Speaker: Mikael Syväjärvi (Inst. Advanced Materials, Intl. Association of Advanced Materials, Alminica AB, SE)
10.50 – 11.30 Theme II: Measurement
Speaker: Andreas Gondikas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR)
11.30 – 12.10 Theme III: Exposure
Speaker: Antonia Praetorius (University of Amsterdam, NL)
12.10 – 13.00 lunch
13.00 – 13.40 Theme IV: Hazard assessment of complex nanomaterials and particle mixtures
Speaker: Elma Lahive (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, UK)
13.40 – 14.30 Break out session I
14.30 – 14.45 short break
14.45 – 15.30 Break out session II
15.30 – 15.50 Conclusions-Group discussions
15.50 Closing remarks – Helen Karlsson, LiU/RÖ; Bengt Fadeel, KI
16.00 End of workshop
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