Report from workshop-series with SweNanoSafe’s education network and 2021 Roadmap – now in English!
During the autumn of 2020, SweNanoSafe organised three workshops focused on education within nanosafety, with the goal of starting and consolidating an education network. The first workshop focused on the need for education in nanosafety. The second workshop dealt with available education in nanosafety in Sweden, and the third workshop discussed concrete opportunities of taking various education efforts one step further.
The initiative brought together a total of 29 representatives from several different societal stakeholders, including government agencies, academia, companies, non-profit associations and consultants with a common interest in the field of nanosafety. The joint discussions identified new opportunities for continued networking and created concrete plans for further development.
The outcome from the three workshops was summarised in a report (previosly pulished in Swedish) that is now avalable in English throught hte SweNanoSafe website!
Download the SweNanoSafe Report 2021:1 – Nanosafey and Education – Report from workshop series with SwenanoSafe’s education network and Roadmap for 2021 (In English).
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