SweNanoSafe report on Nanomaterials in the environment – an overview of the current state of knowledge and the knowledge gaps today
The SweNanoSafe Report on nanomaterials in the environment is now republished in an English version!
Download the SweNanoSafe Report 2021:3 – Nanomaterials in the environment – an overview of the current state of knowledge and the knowledge gaps today (translation to English based on report in Swedish) here.
With increased use of manufactured nanomaterials in various applications follows the risk of dispersion into the environment. How nanomaterials are spread, accumulate, interact and transform into different environmental matrices has however, only been partially studied. Major challenges regarding methods for detecting, quantifying and characterizing nanomaterials in the environment as well as methods for risk assessment remain.
A new report from SweNanoSafe entitled Nanomaterials in the environment – an overview of the current state of knowledge and the knowledge gaps today describes areas of use for nanomaterials, their emissions to- and accumulation in the environment, analytical methods for different matrices, how nanomaterials are spread and converted in the environment, toxicological effects in the environment and environmental risk assessment.
The report has been produced by Goodpoint AB on behalf of SweNanoSafe. The purpose was to overview the current state of knowledge and compile the relevant knowledge about the dispersion of nanomaterials and their impact on the environment, based on prevailing conditions in Sweden. In addition, knowledge gaps have been identified.
On 17 November 2020, SweNanoSafe arranged a digital workshop “3rd Annual Workshop of the SweNanoSafe Research Network: Nanomaterials in the Environment” where knowledge gaps in the area were discussed. This discussion did also contribute to this report.
Freja Milton, Maja Finnveden and Arne Wallin at Goodpoint AB have written the report and Emma Svensson Akusjärvi has edited the English translation of the report, which can be downloaded and read here.
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