Nanomaterials in waste – a new challenge?
Nanotechnology enables new solutions solving the problems of today and tomorrow in a variety of areas – from medicine to material science. However, very little effort has been made on risks related to introducing these new materials in our waste streams.
Take the opportunity to join the online workshop: Nanomaterials in waste – a new challenge?
The workshop aims to gather stakeholders around the theme “Nanomaterials in waste streams”. The programme covers an overview of the area of waste and nanomaterials, legislation and resent research results from the co-arranging research projects.
The workshop is arranged by Avfall Sverige and SweNanoSafe in collaboration with the Mistra Environmental Nanosafety programme, and the research project: Management and recycling of composites containing carbon nanotubes – without risks for health and environment, funded by Vinnova.
When: 4th November, 09:30-12:00
Where: zoom or other online platform
Find more information, programme and registration on the Mistra Environmental Nanosafey website
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