SweNanoSafe – the Swedish National Platform for Nanosafety
Here we gather selected content from the SweNanoSafe website in English.

We are a forum for collaboration between academia, authorities, businesses and other organisations that have an interest in sharing knowledge and experiences as well as discussing, developing and influencing the implementation of nanosafety in society. The goal is to achieve the safe handling of nanomaterials at all levels that protect human health and the environment.
Through the regulatory letter to KemI from the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (Regeringsbeslut 2020-12-17), Karolinska Instituet is allocated funds to “further develop a platform for safe handling of nanomaterials that can contribute to achieving the environmental quality goal of a non-toxic environment and protect human health. The assignment include, among other things, to disseminate knowledge and provide special support to authorities in matters concerning the safe handling and use of nanomaterials.”
Contact us at SweNanoSafe
Selected posts of up-to-date information from external sources.
Uppdaterad av:
KM 2021-05-25