
Nanosafety Cluster WG-F roundtable

13 December 2022
Tid: 15:00 – 17:00
Plats: online

The Nanosafety Cluster WG-F has invited important projects and initiatives with activities on data and knowledge management and sharing to a virtual round table in a extended last meeting of the working group. These will present their objectives (see agenda below), current activities but also challenges, and the planned next steps. The meeting is open for everyone  and you can connect using the following link: Join the meeting

15:00-15:10 Introduction Thomas Exner
15:10-15:20 WG-F including the NInChI working group and the European perspective Egon Willighagen
15:20-15:30 Communities of Research and the American perspective Mark Wiesner
15:30-15:40 International Network Initiative on Safe & Sustainable Nanotechnology (INISS-nano) and the Asian perspective Ali Beitollahi
15:40-15:50 GO FAIR AdvancedNano Implementation Network Veronica Dumit
15:50-16:00 European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) Iseult Lynch
16:00-16:10 ELIXIR Toxicology Community Egon Willighagen
16:10-16:20 Nanoinformatics in the NSC Tassos Papadiamantis
16:20-16:30 NanoFabNet and DaNa Clarissa Marquardt and Katja Nau
16:30-17:00 Open discussion